Saturday, July 5, 2008

Just recently discovered McSweeney's. It has done my dyslexic heart a world of good.

Here is an excerpt from one of my favorite McSweeney stories:


I spent the morning in bed, my sleep so heavy as to obliterate utterly my consciousness, like a man who falls asleep on a fast-moving train, letting a well-worn novel slip from his hands and onto his lap, and whose dreaming head remains throughout his long journey through quaint country towns wreathed with memory; countless hours pass and the sleeper stays motionless, his interior vision turned away from the markers of civilization outside his window and inclined instead toward his interior existence, like another man, who, tormented by the practice of a hidden vice that alienates him from his fellow man, seeks sympathy in the forgiving eyes of simple beasts, and the first man awakes with a jolt to find his head has slipped onto a stranger's shoulder and he is drooling.

I've been spending a lot of time in this room lately; I should do some redecorating. I've heard good things about cork.

Location: My room
Mood: Pensive
Music: The whistle of a country train muffled by a passenger's gentle weeping
Tags: memory, trains

- - - -

I spent the morning sleeping again; in the space between dreaming and waking, I found myself wandering in the distant country of memory and recalled again a succession of the comfortable bedrooms of my youth, where I would recline, weeping, on a counterpane embroidered with nodding daffodils and wait for my mother to come up with a plate of toaster pastries; then I shifted in my sleep in response to the remonstrance of an aching joint; the nature of my rest changed and, instead of my lovely mother, I saw the patterned wallpapers of the different darkened rooms where I had played as a child, and I awoke two hours later disoriented, like a young man who falls asleep at a failing seaside resort and wakes to find the sun has set and the tide gone out, all the hotel's many windows have grown dark, and someone has stolen his beach umbrella.

Today's Amazon recommendations include someone named Joyce. I should look into that.

Location: My room
Mood: Contemplative
Music: Dashboard Confessional
Tags: memory, weeping, Mother

Read the rest here.

Do, do check it out.

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