Sunday, April 27, 2008

smile at a big girl: make the world a better place

I have read many a blog post which always championed the, erm, cause of small-breasted women. It was always Oh I'm so happy with the way I am or I'm so glad I don't have hooters that big!!! I've always been slightly amused by these posts because they sound forced and fake. Like they always have to convince themselves that it's fine, nothing's wrong, I can fit anywhere anytime blah blah blah.

It's funny but I've never been envious of women with small breasts. I've never really given the differences in breast sizes much thought. But someone needs to talk about the people from the other side of the fence, if you know what I mean.

I had my period when I was 9 and was wearing an A size by the 6th grade. It's not too much information, you doofus! It's science, an A=C equation; nothing to be squirmy about. Anyway, I don't really remember what it's like having a small "future" (as Filipinos funnily call it). Before I finished highschool, I was already wearing the same bra size that working women were wearing.

There are a lot of times when I've cursed my genes. Unlike women with 'comfortable' lumps, it's not all rainbows and roses for big-breasted women because:

1) It's hard to find stuff that fits. You have to invest on expensive underwear, otherwise, you'll have a terrible time fending off unwelcome stares from construction workers who just know that something about you ain't right.

2) You'd be the subject of ridicule. Fantastically, not of men but of women. Truth is, some women hate it when there are others who are better endowed than they are. I've always felt more harrassed by women then by men. Seriously. When you walk into the girl's room, you feel as if the others have X-rays for eyes and they're carefully scrutinizing whether your babies are real and are not just generous amounts of tissue. What's worse is, they're hoping it's tissue.

Segue: This is probably why I've always been more comfortable in the company of men. Understandably, they're a more welcoming bunch. They always try to act as properly as they can even if a couple of beers later, some of them turn into real toads. But at least, there's no animosity, no untoward remarks. Some women have easily counted me off just because I'm not the same brassiere size. (You know who you are, twat.)

3) You'd feel harrassed in a million little ways. You get quality service in buses because the conductor is a jerk who wants to sit beside you when he's finished giving out tickets. When it's your turn to present an important topic in meetings, you can actually see a big-wig looking at your blouse. People think that your brain has slid all the way down there and you're not really capable of forming one serious thought. I know people who actually look surprised (I'm not overexaggerating) whenever I say something witty.

4) Salesgirls who have an excess of sass. One of these little critters in a mall in my hometown made a snide remark when I gave back the bra that would not fit me. And I wasn't even out of earshot! I remember her saying, "Eh paano, ang laki kasi e." Jesus. If she wasn't so stupid, she would've known that it's never anyone's fault if they're too big for anything they want to put on.

All I'm saying is, cut big girls some slack, please. I know that the image that some bombshells have presented are not that, well, respectable but it's hard on us, too (no pun intended). We're just regular people; it's just that nature has been a little more generous with us than the others. I'm happy for the girls who are more than satisfied with what they have but I hope you'd be just as accepting of our not-so-regular sizes, too. So next time you see a big girl, don't mark her down just yet. Get to know her. You might have more in common than you'd like to think.


Anonymous said...

you know what i think of these people? naiinggit lang sila. hehehe! i'm proud of what i have. hehehe!

Anonymous said...

More or less I share the same sentiments. Except that sometimes I wish I were not that much 'endowed' if a shirt or a blouse I like makes me look fat. =p