Sunday, July 13, 2008

They say that around three o'clock in the pm, they were already noisily hedging around the sofa to see if I were still alive. Catatonia around these parts is unacceptable, they say. But since they could not fully explain why it was bad, they weren't successful in getting me fat bodeh out of the couch.

I am a firm believer of nonsense. There wouldn't be enough living without it; there'd probably only be a generous amount of serious conversations and predictable drama and haywire neurosis. And that's not a life, my dearly beloved and intimate friends. So whenever I have a lot of time on my hands, I try to catch up on all the nonsense that the world has to offer.

So today I watched entertainment news, cartoons, sitcoms and was lucky enough to watch three hours of Pageant Place. That's a whole lot of useless shit, I'm telling you. It'd last me well into the decade.

Pageant Place is a product of an MTV-Donald Trump team-up. It's a new American reality series that will follow current Miss Universe Riyo Mori, Miss USA Rachel Smith and Miss Teen USA Katie Blair as they live together in a New York City apartment and represent their different crowns. There are the usual catty and ultra-dtitzy scenes but I really liked Rachel Smith. I think she's really purty and she's smart to boot so she was really all I looked at during the entire show.

I am woman who is quick to admire other women. I am also very vocal about it, so much so that some people at the office have asked me if I actually preferred women (wink, wink). Do I really have to, erm, prefer women to be allowed to say that I appreciate them? Come on, let's not be immature skanks about such a simple thing as that. Don't get me wrong, though. I also don't like many kinds of women. Let's just say that from where I'm standing, I think my appetites are still fairly healthy.

Anyway, if you still don't know what she looks like, here's a picture:

Cherry Pie - Warrant

Nice, right? Anyway, that's it about my tres interesting afternoon, I guess. I better get out of here before I sound like a total pimp.

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