Saturday, June 28, 2008

From a drinking spree that started on Saturday with my light o'love, a stormy night among new-found friends, going to and from work with P, Manong's and the difference between imagination and experience, heated discussions between wrong and right and laughing at the futility of such talk, waiting for 5pm to hit (already?), sudden smiles and the innocuousness of life, someone forgetting all about me ( which was a definite blow to my ego), someone forgetting about cats that purr and hiss -- my week was everything but uneventful. Thank you for making me realize that.


cheLot said...

who'd ever forget about cats that purr and hiss?

we may all go crazy... but we'll never ever forget about them beautiful creatures:D

Tomato Maria and the Definitive Nightcap said...

hehehe trust me,there's someone who has.:D

cheLot said...

